Meaningful conversations in nature

As we are readjusting to the post-pandemic world, it is great to meet our colleagues and clients face-to-face again. We cannot lie – no amount of Zoom calls can replace face-to-face interaction. It is just not the same.

However, going from working-from-any-place-comfortable-at-home to the office can be very overwhelming and challenging after a long break. That’s why we thought it would be perfect to reconnect with our network in the way that is most familiar to us – going on a hike in the Peak District!

It wasn’t our first rodeo of this kind, we have already embraced the challenges of the Peak District in the past, together with our friends at Freshwalks, a Manchester-based networking company, that specialises in alternative networking experiences.

The Team at Freshwalks always makes sure that you leave every walkshop with the newly acquired knowledge and skills to further your professional and personal development. During this walk, we discussed what Leadership for Wellbeing and Performance looks like. We were also introduced to a fantastic well-being strategy, called NAMASTE.

Continue reading if you want to improve your well-being, or that of your team by taking a moment to step back…


Savouring the beauty of the Hope Valley

Our walkshop started in the delightful village of Hope, which is only a train ride away from both Manchester and Sheffield. First port of call – Lose Hill, the highest point of the day that is a fairly relentless but gradual climb with some of the most spectacular views of the Hope Valley.

From the very top of it, you could also see the Vale of Edale, across to Kinder Scout, and beyond. We then retraced our steps a little before heading in the direction of Win Hill, our second climb of the day. From here, you can see an entirely different perspective over Ladybower reservoir and swathes of ancient forests.

We were truly blessed with wonderful views and incredible weather the whole day!

It is all about NAMASTE

During the walkshop, our lead Martin Murphy discussed how effective leadership can have a positive impact on well-being and performance in our organisations, as well as personal lives. Something that became very important to everyone post-pandemic.

Martin also introduced us to a well-being strategy with a perfectly appropriate acronym. NAMASTE, which stands for:

  • Nature
  • Acceptance
  • Meaning
  • Anandamide
  • Savour moments
  • Three good things
  • Exercise


Research shows that nature can elevate our mood and performance, whilst too much office time can impact us by increasing our stress hormones.

One study showcased that 95% of interviewed people found that spending time outside changed their feelings of depression, stress and anxiety into calm, optimism and a balanced perspective.


Acknowledge, allow, accept, and appreciate.

Emotions are all part of our existence and it is important to acknowledge those emotions and accept them rather than trying to resist them. It is also important to allow those emotions to move around the body and appreciate what we’re experiencing.


“The world and humanity as a whole needs explorers and pioneers with a sense of purpose to solve problems, support people and save the planet’s bio-sphere.”

There is powerful evidence showing that having meaningful relationships and a sense of purpose is beneficial for mental health and resilience.


Anandamide, what is it? The word itself is derived from Sanskrit and means ‘Bliss’. It is a neurotransmitter that acts as the body’s natural Cannabis. Anandamide produces a range of effects, like a heightened sense of happiness, an increase in memory capacity and motivation. It also has anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties.

For example, eating dark chocolate stimulates the production of anandamide.

Savour moments

How often do we actually savour moments? In a fast-paced world where everyone is trying to rush everything they do, savouring allows us to appreciate life and every moment in it. It is about stopping and appreciating instead of craving more.

Three good things

We all have less than perfect days when we feel that little has been accomplished. On those days, write down some positive things into the mix. No matter how good or bad your day has been, there’s always something to be grateful for!

To make this technique even more powerful, never put more than three things on your ‘to do’ list. Then start your next day with the first task in the morning.


We don’t need to tell you about the benefits of exercise, do we? It boosts physical capabilities, can transform your physical appearance, and it improves brain cognition.

When you exercise, your brain receives valuable nutrients and decreases stress receptors, which makes you more resilient to life’s challenges!

More walkshops, fewer workshops

As a business, we truly believe that walkshops, and combining learning with nature, has a massive impact on both our bodies, minds and ability to take in information. It is such a privilege to go on these challenging adventures together with our clients and friends who have supported us over the last few years. Conversations that we build on these walkshops are irreplaceable and we all are always looking forward to the next one.

Think a private walk could benefit your business community too? Get in touch with Freshwalks here or email Michael at

Final thought…

Wilf. That’s all!