B Corp certification: 10 lessons from MP&Co

Curious about B Corp certification? We’re breaking down our journey at MP&Co. From aligning values with business practices to embracing rigorous documentation, discover 10 lessons to guide your business through the B Corp certification process.
Picture of Georgina W

Georgina W

Georgina, our Head of Content, is a connoisseur of captivating copy. She intertwines strategy effortlessly into every piece, creating content that cuts through and gets people to act. Georgina also mentors our budding copywriters, helping them refine and elevate their craft. Outside of work, you’ll find her rolling dice in Dungeons & Dragons.

We’ve got to limit global warming to 1.5°C to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.  

For businesses, becoming a B Corp is part of the solution.

Because it forces you to look inwards and assess your impact. The process is also about having strong governance and being socially responsible. 

We got our B Corp certification for all these reasons.  

We shared more about this in our webinar with experts Kay Geoghegan (Tyler Grange), Donna Edmonds (Farms for City Children) and Camilla Barnes (Better Business, Better World). 

With over 1,000 UK businesses certified, we want to see this community grow and help you prepare for how to become a B Corp. We’ve figured sharing our top lessons is a good place to start! 

Consider if your benefits align with your values

You might think your benefits package is great, but does it reflect your values? Getting B Corp certified makes you look closer at what you’re offering. For example, you might offer gym memberships, but your employees might value flexible working hours more. 

Aligning your benefits with your core values from the start saves time. It ensures your offerings are valued, reduces the need for tweaks later and helps you meet B Corp standards more smoothly.  


Start documenting and formalising processes

When we started our B Corp certification, we quickly realised our “well-documented” processes could be better. Much better. 

The certification demanded every operational detail be laid out clearly, pushing us to revamp our documentation. It’s partly about meeting standards. It’s mostly about making your business more consistent and transparent for everyone involved. 

Starting early is key — it only gets harder as you grow. By setting up your documents and processes right from the start, you save time and sidestep unnecessary stress.

Recognise B Corp’s true scope

Being an environmentally sustainable organisation helps with getting B Corp certified. But there’s more to it. Take Nespresso Global — they’re a B Corp despite selling single-use coffee pods. Sounds weird, but there’s more going on behind the scenes, like their community action initiatives.  
B Corp looks at everything from how companies support their communities to how they treat their employees. So, don’t stress if your business isn’t directly involved in environmental projects. While it’s great to see businesses embracing sustainability (Nespresso is slowly but surely, recycling their pods into bike frames), remember there are many other ways to show your positive impact and qualify for B Corp certification.  

Examine every connection

Get picky with your partners. This certification nudges you to take a hard look at every business relationship. Are you teaming up with people who get your values?  

This focus can redefine everything from where you buy your supplies to how you scout new opportunities. Make sure your partners are on the same page — because in the B Corp world, the company you keep can make or break your status.


Expect legal change (and don’t let HMRC hold you back)

Gaining a B Corp certification isn’t just a badge (though the badge is great). It’s a deep commitment that interrogates every part of your business. For instance, we had to make some legal changes.  
Here’s a fun fact: we sent our legal docs by post because we were so ready to move forward, and yet, HMRC wasn’t having any of our online submissions. The final wait for approval turned out to be our biggest suspense! Always get your paperwork in early. The digital world isn’t always as speedy as we’d like! 

Don’t romanticise data, not even to feed your ego

You don’t have to be perfect from the start, but you do need a clear understanding of where you stand so you can improve. Glossing over your numbers isn’t the way to go. It can lead to: 
Embarrassing situations down the line, especially for a business that prides itself on transparency; 
Misleading progress reports, which can derail your growth plans; 
Confusion about priorities, making it tough to tackle areas that need urgent attention. 
If facing the hard truths about your business’s impact and carbon footprint feels overwhelming, B Corp might not be the best fit. It’s normal for this process to stir up environmental anxiety and guilt. 
Take our experience. We were surprised by the carbon footprint of our website, and it made us rethink all the website creation projects we’ve supported. We’re now looking into some green hosting options and have our eyes on Krystal. They’re a fellow B Corp and provide 100% renewably powered hosting. We’re aiming to make the switch later this year and will keep you posted.  

Make time for your B Corp certification!

We’ve mentioned this a lot, but the best time to begin is now because things only get more complex as your business grows. With more people and processes, gathering all the necessary information can become increasingly messy. 
Kay Geoghegan shared insights on the time commitment required for the initial application in our webinar. She provided a useful resource, especially helpful for larger businesses, that breaks down the time needed for each task involved in submitting the application. This can help you plan and allocate the right amount of effort. Learn more.  

Accept this as a long-term journey

Think of B Corp certification not as a one-time win but as an ongoing mission. Getting the badge is great, but every year you’ve got to show you still deserve it. This means getting better in the key areas, which keeps you on your toes. It’s a mix of excitement and pressure, but hey, that’s what keeps things interesting! 

Don’t struggle alone

You shouldn’t handle B Corp certification alone. While having a leader is essential, getting the whole team involved can make a big difference.

B Lab provides excellent resources, and there’s a lot of support in the community. We were thankful for the advice from Kay Geoghegan (TG), Rita Mantler (Telescopic), and Hannah Cox (Better Business Network). Check out the webinar resources Kay compiled for helpful tips.

If it gets tough, consider consulting experts like Hannah Cox and Camilla Barnes. They can help guide you smoothly through the B Corp process.


Enjoy the benefits

Once you’re a B Corp, you’re in the club — welcome to B Hive, the not-so-secret society of B Corps. It’s the place to connect, from finding a spot for your next event in Manchester to swapping tips on keeping things ethical. Got a question? Need a friend? This community has you covered. 
You get a front-row seat to a network of like-minded businesses, all ready to collaborate, share and support each other. It’s one of the best benefits of certification! 

B Corp Certification: is it right for your company?​

Huge thanks to Daniella, our Head of Client Services, and Lucy, our Marketing Account Manager, whose insights shaped this blog. 

If you’re unsure about starting the certification process or how to become a B Corp, watch our recent webinar. It covers everything, including aligning business values with social and environmental impact, implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) processes and boosting Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies.