Employer brand and its importance in marketing and recruitment

Picture of Maddy Lindup

Maddy Lindup

Maddy, our Content Executive, crafts the words and visuals that lift brands.

In every client brief, you’ll see her signature: compelling content paired with standout graphics. She leads with her heart, blending kindness with top-tier professionalism. And when she’s not nailing client work? She’s delving into all things witchy.


“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business” – Steve Forbes 

The verdict from UK recruitment agencies is in. Hiring activity took another nosedive at the start of 2024, with SMEs taking the biggest hit.

People want better wages to subsidise the cost-of-living crisis. Applicants are deterred by unmanageable high expectations and compatibility worries. Not to mention, replacing an employee costs between 6-9 months of their salary.

Businesses with refined employer branding see up to 50% more applicants and a 28% decrease in employee turnover.

But why?

Get excited, we’re here to tell you.

The importance of employer branding 

Employer branding is a crucial part of your wider marketing strategy. It revolves around how people outside looking in get a real feel of your brand identity. It’s your business’s essence that’s being experienced by your employees every single day, such as: 

  • Company culture 
  • Values and mission statement 
  • Employee benefits and wellbeing policies 
  • Diversity and inclusion programmes 
  • CSR and purpose led initiatives


Having these things developed and ongoing with a large input from your team will attract and retain talent. Your employees know what it’s like firsthand to work for your company. They’re the people who can offer the most valuable insights and ideas, so take their word for it.  

Having a shiny logo and saying you’re a good egg is one thing. Actually proving it is another. You can set the standard for other businesses. People will soon latch onto that and recognise that your efforts truly set you apart from the rest.  

A spotlight on Spotify

Spotify’s ‘people strategy’ is an excellent example of employer branding. They say, ‘A good strategy needs to have meaningful foundations.’ 

Their ‘people strategy’ is rooted in the company’s values, mission, and ‘the band’ (their employees) manifesto. Values were derived from employees and the company mission provides an overarching goal, uniting people through a shared vision and purpose. The band manifesto serves as a playbook, describing culture and how values manifest. 

In the quest for recruitment, finding the right fit is paramount. Many places seek the ‘best’ talent based on metrics like higher education results. This overlooks a vast pool of intelligent and skilled individuals and deters them from applying to the role. Spotify prioritizes compatibility, ensuring that candidates resonate with their brand and are aligned with their mission statement, values and manifesto.  

They make their employer brand known, talking about it online and making it a big focus in their marketing activities. It makes people want to apply. Applicants are aware of all the good Spotify do and how their company culture is second to none, making them an ideal place to work that ticks all the boxes and doesn’t leave anything to the imagination.  

Improving your employer brand   

How do you go about improving your employer branding, you ask? 

It’s surprisingly simple for something that has such a great impact. Our advice is, let your employees take the lead. That’s a sure way to retain talent and build an attractive brand that people want to work for. Let’s break it down: 

  • Use your employees as case studies: Your employees are your brand ambassadors. Showcase their success stories and experiences to highlight what makes your company a great place to work. Sharing real-life examples of employee achievements humanises your brand and builds credibility 
  • Look the part: Your employer brand isn’t just about what you say—it’s also about how you present yourself visually. Invest in creating a cohesive brand identity that reflects your company culture and values. From your website and social media presence to your office space 
  • Be transparent: Transparency breeds trust. Be open and honest about company decisions, goals, and challenges. Encourage employee feedback and communication. By building a culture of transparency, you’re cutting the anxieties of applicants about what they’re getting themselves into 
  • Actually be good: It may seem obvious, but being a good employer is essential for a strong employer brand. Pay fair salaries, offer useful benefits, and invest in employee development and wellbeing. Value your employees and create a supportive work environment where they can thrive 


Actions speak louder than words. They also have a bigger ripple effect. Putting these things into effect is sure to build your brand and your company cohesively.  

The path to a budding business

We understand that it’s difficult to pinpoint where exactly you should start. 

You might be stuck with your overall brand and have to think about that before you consider your employer brand. But that’s okay! Every successful company in history started somewhere. 

You’re in the right place. At MP&Co, we collaborate with liked minded and ethical-led businesses to transform and amplify their marketing strategies. 

We recorded our employer brand webinar to equip you with the capabilities necessary to boost retention, foster a positive culture and attract top talent.

All you have to do is press play, and away you go.