Explore fresh perspectives, unlock hidden potential, and forge meaningful connections in today’s dynamic business landscape.
Georgina, our Head of Content, is a connoisseur of captivating copy. She intertwines strategy effortlessly into every piece, creating content that cuts through and gets people to act. Georgina also mentors our budding copywriters, helping them refine and elevate their craft. Outside of work, you’ll find her rolling dice in Dungeons & Dragons.
The day began with a fresh perspective from Martin Murphy. Martin excels in guiding leaders and teams towards mental resilience, masterfully steering through uncertainties and bringing clarity to complex situations.
He helped us understand ourselves and our roles in a team. He moved beyond the typical colour categories of personality. We considered a broader range of characteristics inspired by ancient roles such as shamans, healers and hunters.
This encouraged everyone to think about how adaptable and complex we can be. It also led to a crucial realisation: we’re not just one thing. Depending on the situation we find ourselves in—whether it’s due to work demands or personal interactions—we might tap into different aspects of our character. Everyone took away a powerful message: we’re all a mix of everything, and it’s the context that determines which part of our complex selves we rely on.
Dr. Paul Thomas, Director & Founder at DNA Definitive took the stage next to explore the complexity of human behaviour and motivation. Known as the BBC’s expert for revitalising business practices, he’s dedicated to challenging conventional management approaches. His talk revolved around our quest for belonging and purpose, suggesting that understanding the ‘why’ behind our actions and a foundation of trust is crucial.
This resonates with us. MP&Co’s mission is to work alongside companies that share our values and drive to make a positive impact in the world. We want to connect with organisations—’the good guys’—whose ‘why’ aligns with ours, companies committed to making a positive impact, ethically earning profit, and investing time and resources where it can make the most significant difference. We’re making the world a better place together.
An interesting discussion followed, centred around what it takes to make great decisions within a team. A fortress image — a metaphor for a traditional, closed-off approach to leadership captured our attention. It helped us understand how real strength in decision-making doesn’t come from isolation within a fortress, but from being on the ground, amid the information and the team.
Our takeaway: let decision-making happen where the most up-to-date and detailed data is. That means giving your team the power to make those decisions. This method brings out the best in everyone’s abilities, empowers the most qualified and informed person to step up, and makes for a team that can quickly adapt and make smart choices.
We then took the conversation outdoors. It was an opportunity to mingle with clients and future partners in a setting that encourages genuine connection. Imagine us, walking through the woods, the chatter not just about business but about the paths we’re all on.
In these uncertain times, such moments underscore the importance of collaboration and mutual support. Surrounded by nature, it was clear that navigating challenges requires more than just individual effort; it’s a collective endeavour.
At MP&Co, we’re fortunate to be surrounded by an incredible network of talent and support. This includes our dedicated team, the specialists we collaborate with, our valued clients and our trusted partners. Together, we’re turning challenges into opportunities for growth.
Ready to become a more effective leader for your high-performing team? Visit Martin Murphy’s website for information about his upcoming events.